Saturday, June 8, 2013


While I work on some new posts, I have decided to throw up some photos of my favorite camera hog.
She has become infatuated with the camera. It is no longer enough to pose for my phone. I pull it out and go "Addie, say cheese!" and she will half-heartedly look at me and mutter "cheese" under her breath. But if my camera is anywhere in her field of vision, she will excitedly point to it, bounce, and say "cheese, cheese, CHEESE!", until I give in. And let me tell you, taking pictures of adorable babies is pure torture. 
So here are some Addie shots from the last few days, and maybe I'll toss in a few of Silas too, if you are up for double the torment. :) 
Messy post-dinner face.
This kid loves books. 
I honestly don't know what this face means....

These lips slay me.

Hopefully these are enough to hold you all over until the next baby filled post! ;) 

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